why the hell it took a year to update for iOS 7??? Otherwise great game with some flaws
why the hell it took a year to update for iOS 7??? Otherwise great game with some flaws
Loved this game until I got to one of the light-up levels and now it refuses to even start! :(
Good game. Makes me want to snap the I pad over my knee, but thats what we want with this, now isnt it?
I hate the description. What an ahole.
Ditto! Too bad the individual game methods, conceptualization, child-developmental theories, neurobiological sciences, psychological framework, or softwaer experiese to create the app werent so overwhelming Apple was forced to elect the new CEO! Marketing skills probably fall into that job description too though! Seriously, great job though! No sarcasam intended! Great App, and I am positive you are very intelligent! Might better advertise your app, yourself, company, etc. if the IQ level of the creator could simply be stated by the creation is all! Family of engineers, which I dont try to claim to come close to touching IQ-wise, but it took way too long for me or them to see and admit that you dont have to hold and engineering/tech/computer/etc. degree (or any) to hold an IQ. I wouldnt talk down to everyone is all I mean to say because there will always be someone who is able to "one-up" you in some area of life! Plus, not a very good marketing tool (FOR A GREAT PRODUCT)! Expect more great ones to come as well! Not everyone views those remarks as a challenge (I would but dont know you) either.